Letters to Talya · the 52 lists project · Uncategorized

#13 List the things that always cheer you up

I may have overthought this one. I was trying to think what ALWAYS cheers me up, vs things that I thought would cheer me up; at least 90% of the time 😉.  So I ended up with that list, which is below.  I wanted to make sure I was being true to myself and true to you, my readers.

So, my friends, with that, in no particular order, here is my list for this week of “things that always cheer me up”:

  1. Jesus
  2. ​Family
  3. Friends
  4. Dancing
  5. Karaoke
  6. Manicures
  7. Gift Cards
  8. A Shower
  9. Good food
  10. Hot soup
  11. French Fries
  12. Dressing up
  13. Peete’s Latte
  14. The color pink
  15. Pink sand
  16. Sun, Sun, Sun
  17. Belly Laughs
  18. A good movie
  19. A good TV show
  20. A hot cup of tea
  21. Take a nice nap
  22. Listen to music
  23. Hugging someone
  24. Make a gratitude list
  25. Spend time outdoors
  26. Babies / Senior Citizens
  27. Scoring awesome deals
  28. ​A great coffee shop / cafĂ©
  29. Donate to a cause I care about
  30. Re-watch favorite movies, or tv shows
  31. Watch hallmark movies especially the Christmas ones
  32. Make a list of moments, accomplishments I am proud of
  33. Calling and talking to friends, the long conversations are priceless
  34. Curling up in a big, cozy blanket and being able to just escape and rest
  35. Make-up (any kind, new lip gloss, new foundation, new blush, new eyeshadow pallet)
  36. Watch a funny movie, or funny YouTube clips, like my favorites show’s bloopers
  37. Meet up with friends, whether for bfst/lunch/dinner, coffee/tea or anything
  38. Receiving a surprise text saying “I miss you”, “was thinking of you”, or “I hope you’re well”

There you have it folks, these are some of the things that cheer me up.  I would love to hear what cheers you up in the comments below. 

Head on over and click below to read my 2 friends’ point of view on this subject at:

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