Letters to Talya · the 52 lists project · Uncategorized

#12 List your best qualities

Gee, promoting myself much?  Sounding a bit too confident, or self-absorbed. Tooting my horn, a bit too loud? 

This week’s list feels like that, as if I am promoting myself.  Well, I’m not one to do that, although being vulnerable has come a lot easier for me, and I am noticing I am allowing myself to be more open and allow people in. 

In saying all that, this list is in no way bragging about myself, what it is about is; me working on myself for the past 7 years, and removing certain character defects and incorporating healthier habits, attributes, reactions and responses. 

Not under any condition am I healed, I will forever be teachable, and will slip from time to time.  I am human after all; however, the difference today is; I know when I have slipped or messed up or used an old character defect, and I can make amends.  Hallelujah

Okay, so let’s get to this list of mine:

Curious – because there’s always something more to the story and more to learn about.  I like that I am curious, I like that I’m not afraid to ask the questions.

Consistent – and I am… with my talks, my values, the amount of questions I ask (I’m known as miss 25 questions 😉). It’s good to remember that we all plateau; it’s frustrating, although a normal part of life

A great auntie & friend to my friends – I’m thoughtful, I listen, I’m there if they need me and I’m sensitive to their feelings.  I’m also a people pleaser to a fault…working on this too 😉

I’m intensely a feeling person – highly sensitive to words and the vibe around me

I’m loyal & sincere…again to a fault – I’ve experienced people taking advantage of me.  I need to remind myself of this line again and again: “givers have to have boundaries, because takers don’t”.

I am detailed oriented – I like neatness and organization, I have files in my cabinet for just about anything, and I organize it so it’s easy for anyone to find something with out me being there.  I organize my makeup, my lotions, shampoo in a certain way so I can find them easily.  I put the expiration date on my packaged items, canned items, even my lotion and make up, so it’s easy for me to see, rather than search for it.  Bottom line, I can easily declutter my things, as equally as I can clutter them, lol

I have a crazy imagination – I am my worst enemy.  I have to continually remind myself that my thoughts are not reality.  I can write you the ending of a story before the story has begun. 

Honest – besides being raised to be honest, and that it is the most important and valuable thing in all areas of my life; as a little girl growing up in a war zone, I was lied to.  Yes, my parents did the best they could, and they wanted to protect me by not scaring me that we are in a war, and guess what, I did know it.  After being in therapy for so long, I learned that it has impacted my PTSD and anxiety attacks that I experienced later in my life.  It is important for me to receive honesty, because of the trauma it has caused.  I am an honest person, both with my words, and honest in person, where I can be my authentic self.

Nurturing – I not only love nurturing people and gravitate towards them, I am one!  I have been one since I can remember – I was always protective of my dolls, my belongings, my friends, family and especially my seniors/elderly and babies.  I try to have a loving home, and hope whoever comes to my home feels welcome, comfortable, loved and nurtured.

Work ethic – I take any job/responsibility very seriously. I was good at my job, very dedicated, and dependable.  When I started working full time and needed to attend night school full time; to make it work, I arrived at work 1 hour early, worked through lunch, so I can get my work done and can leave on time to make my classes.  I was very eager and willing to make it work, and I was still able to hit my bonuses, and meet the team goals.

I am trustworthy, reliable, humble, friendly, kind hearted & considerate – I was raised to treat others with the upmost respect, and never take what I have for granted.  I had my time where I barley had a $1 to my name, and I’ve seen when I’ve had $1,000 in my wallet.  I am a compassionate person, and a giving person, just don’t take advantage of me, the reaction you’ll get will not be pretty.

Spiritual – I don’t know any different.  I am so happy and so grateful to my Mom who taught me about God, praying and believing.  I can’t imagine not having a God, I feel sad when I hear people who don’t believe in God.  I think it’s a lonely feeling not having my God to pray to.  Who knows me better than anyone will ever know me.  After all, he created me, and made me from scratch.  I pray that everyone believes in God, gets to know him and ask him to come into their life.  God has been so amazing to me; I sometimes feel guilty.

Passionate – and not just in a romantic way- I’m passionate about the truth, passionate about rights, and what’s right or wrong. I’m passionate about my religion and staying close to my God.  Being passionate can challenge you and get you to your goals and success. Being passionate can be a pro and con, in terms of pro, I’m passionate about love, both romantically and dearly, and the con is being passionately angry, oh boy, that isn’t always a pretty sight.  Imagine being passionate about your job… that is the ultimate goal.  It’s not always easy, however when you find it, what a difference it makes, you become a better person. 

Will power – I didn’t know how much will power I had till I tried a lifestyle of eating healthy on a program called Whole 30.  For 30 days you give up alcohol, dairy, gluten, soy, legumes, grains, soy, flour and sugar.  I mean, yes, what is left??? Alcohol wasn’t an issue, soy wasn’t an issue, and dairy wasn’t an issue… sugar, grains, flour? OMG!!!  Here’s the good news; I started having respect and understanding for people with addiction.  Or people who aren’t able to have sugar because they are diabetic or other dietary restrictions.  I was only doing it for 30 days, where others it’s more permanent.  I kept thinking, this is temporary, it’ll be hard, although doable.  For someone like me who has an extremely sensitive stomach and can have a stomach episode by drinking water, I didn’t know what I could eat, and how this is going to work?  I also thought, if what I am allowed to eat on this new “diet” would provide enough nutrients?   Well let me tell you, I was SO proud to not only do this for 30 days, I surpassed it!  I did for 18 months straight, and loved every moment.  I loved how I felt, how satisfied I was with my options, and how my weight didn’t fluctuate.  I’ve learned that will power is the ability to see things through to the end. 

Willingness – here’s how I see willingness works for me; if you want something and you don’t make any changes, then you are still in the same position.  You can’t get from A to B if you are not willing to move your position.  Willingness for me is the first chance to make a change about something you’re not happy about, or want a different result.  Willingness is to find a solution, and try to work through the challenges.  To not give up, to try again, to work through the problems.

Well there you have it my friends…. let me know in the below comments what you think and what qualities you like about yourself.

Head on over and click below to read my 2 friends’ point of view on this subject at:

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